User profiles

User profiles

User profiles

With seven preset programmes, most of the use cases for touchless taps are covered. But if the need to adjust some of the settings arises, the optional remote control for touchless taps can help you.

Saving settings as a profile

  1. First connect the remote control with the tap.
  2. You can now access the settings stored on the tap that you connected the remote control with.
  3. Save the set settings as a profile via the menu item "Service".

Transferring the settings

  1. Connect the remote control to the next tap.
  2. Load the saved profile under the menu item "Service“.
  3. Now switch to “configuration”.
  4. Use the "Send" command to transfer this setting to the tap.

Transferring the profiles is a good way to save time. And subsequent adjustments can be quickly applied to all taps.

Next: Adjusting the maximum running time.