Matching filters
Variety of options

Matching filters

Discover the variety of different filters for GROHE Blue Home.

Matching filters
Find your perfect filter

Different filters for different needs

Depending on the region, location and your needs, there are different functions a filter should have. With GROHE Blue Home, you can choose between four different filters, each of which improves your water quality in different ways. In addition to the standard High Performance Filter included in every starter pack, there is the Activated Carbon filter specifically for soft water, the vitality-promoting Magnesium + Zinc Filter and the UltraSafe Filter that rids your water of bacteria and microplastics. However, it should be noted, that the filtered water is not suitable for babies under one year of age.

Different filters for different needs
Different filters for different needs
High performance is standard

The High Performance Filter

Our standard High Performance Filter is divided into five layers, each with different functions. The filter is perfect for hard, carbonated water above 9° dKH as it removes limescale, so your kitchen taps are always protected. You can choose between three different sizes: S (600 l), M (1500 l), and L (2500 l).

The High Performance Filter


Removes rough particles like sand and dirt.

Activated carbon pre-filter

Activated carbon pre-filtration –removes natural contaminations e. g. from the domestic water supplies.

High-Performance ion exchanger

To protect your kitchen taps, the water is descaled. This takes place in the largest layer of the filter - the ion exchanger, it reduces substances such as limescale and heavy metals.

Activated carbon filtration

Reduces substances responsible for unpleasant taste or smell e. g. chlorine.

Fine filtration

Reduces fine particles.

Improving soft water

The Activated Carbon Filter

If you live in a soft-water area, the activated carbon filter is right for you. It improves the taste but leaves the carbonate levels in the water untouched.

The Activated Carbon Filter


Removes rough particles like sand and dirt.

Activated Carbon Filtration: Granules

Reduction of substances responsible for unpleasant taste or smell e. g. chlorine.

Activated Carbon Filtration: Fleece

Removes natural contaminations e. g. from the domestic water supplies.

Fine filtration

Reduces fine particles.

Promoting your health

The Magnesium + Zinc Filter

For the best taste and health benefits, the magnesium + zinc filter is the ideal choice. It adds up to 35 mg magnesium and up to 3 mg zinc to each liter of water, helping you get enough of these essential minerals while delivering the best tasting tea and coffee possible.

The Magnesium + Zinc Filter


Removes rough particles like sand and dirt.

Activated carbon pre-filtration:

Activated carbon pre-filtration –removes natural contaminations e. g. from the domestic water supplies.

High-Performance ion exchanger

Reduces substances such as limescale and heavy metals and enriches the water with up to 35mg/l magnesium and up to 3 mg/l zinc.

Activated carbon filtration

Reduces substances responsible for unpleasant taste or smell e. g. chlorine.

Fine filtration

Reduces fine particles.

Do you know?

With the Magnesium + Zinc Filter, about 35 mg / l of magnesium is added to the drinking water. How many apples do you think you would have to eat to meet this need?

Please select the correct answers below and confirm by clicking OK.

Removing bacteria

The UltraSafe Filter

The UltraSafe Filter is suitable for areas with highly contaminated water and takes out even the smallest particles. It removes microplastic (> 1µm), 99,999% of bacteria and up to 99,5% lead. It forms a barrier to harmful microorganisms and guarantees total purity and hygiene. The result is purest drinking water.

The UltraSafe Filter


Removes rough particles like sand and dirt >5µm.

Activated-carbon filtration

Reduces substances responsible for unpleasant taste and odor, e.g. chlorine and removes natural contamination, e.g. from the internal domestic water supply.

Lead filtration

Removes lead by 99,5%.

UltraSafe Membrane

Retains microplastic >1µm and 99,999 % of bacteria.

Do you know?

How many people in the world are\ndrinking contaminated water?

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500 Millions

Find your filter

Activated Carbon Filter

Basic filtration:
• Rough particles
• Substances responsible for odor and taste

• 3,000 l by <9° dCH

Exchange interval:
• 12 months

High Performance Filter

Basic filtration:
• Rough particles
• Substances responsible for odor and taste

• Limescale
• Heavy metals

• S-Size 600 l by 20° dCH
• M-Size 1,500 l by 20° dCH
• L-Size 2,500 l by 20° dCH

Exchange interval:
• 12 months

Magnesium + Zinc Filter

Basic filtration:
• Rough particles
• Substances responsible for odor and taste

• Limescale
• Heavy metals

Superior filtration & additives:
• Magnesium 35 mg/l
• Zinc 3 mg/l

• 400 l at 17° dTH

Exchange interval:
• 12 months

UltraSafe Filter

Basic filtration:
• Rough particles
• Substances responsible for odor and taste

• Limescale
• Heavy metals
• Bacteria
• Microplastic
• Lead

• 3000l

Exchange interval:
• 6 months

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