2. Taking measurements
Measures & marks

2. Taking measurements

Required time: 5 min.

2. Taking measurements
Now it’s time to take measurements. The standard height is 1 metre, taking into account the floor construction. Use the marking on the polystyrene shell of the cistern.

Of course, a toilet can be installed a little higher or lower, as desired. But please always take the dimensions of the bowl into account.

Now you need to install the wall brackets.

The distances to the wall must be taken into account and are dependent on the diameter of the waste pipe installed later on.

90 mm pipe

Vertical Discharge: Distance of 135 mm to the wall
Side Discharge: Distance of 155 mm to the wall

90 mm pipe

110 mm pip

Vertical Discharge: Distance of 145 mm to the wall
Side Discharge: Distance of 165 mm to the wall

110 mm pip

Next: Where do I mark the drill holes?