2. Prepare the filter and cooler position

2. Prepare the filter and cooler position

Required time: 10 min.

2. Prepare the filter and cooler position

Filter Bypass Setting

To adjust the settings of the filter bypass to the carbon hardness, proceed as follows: First open the cover of the cooler and remove the filterhead locking located behind the filterhead. To set the carbon hardness, press the button on the top of the filterhead and turn the filterhead so that the arrow on the side points to the previously determined water hardness. Put the filterhead back in position and refit the locking. Now you can remove the protective cover of the filter and screw the filter into the filter head. Before you start positioning the cooler, close the cover of the cooler.

Drilling the ventilation hole

To prepare the correct position of the cooler, place the enclosed drilling template on the floor of the base unit to find the right position for the cooler. Make sure that the arrows on the template point to the front of the base unit and are aligned exactly with the front edge. To prevent the template from moving, fix it with adhesive tape. Now you can mark the ventilation hole by centre punching it on the template. Remove the template and use a 63 mm drill bit to cut the hole at the marked position.

Learn how to install the tap.